Physio - Biomechanics - Performance Pricing Contact Map and directions

For a new you!

Integrative Physiotherapy

I integrate ideas from traditional physiotherapy but also psychotherapy, nutrition and exercise physiology and more. This means all aspects can be explored for better progress and more lasting results.


Biomechanics and Pelvic Equilibrium Theory can reveal potentially game-changing issues in your skeletal structure and movement. These types of issues can cause problems over the long-term and can help both treatment and prevention.

Deep Rehab

Once you are pain free it is the perfect time to go further and start to undo potentially years of imbalance and hidden issues accross all the different attributes of fitness and function.


Are you interested in building your athletic ability and performance in any area of sports of movement? I can help assess and guide you to progress from where you're currently at. This might be a faster sprint, more comfortable mountain running or stronger overhead press...

"Paul is without doubt the best physio I have ever met. Two things make him uniquely special - firstly his fulsome and empathetic understanding of people; and secondly his holistic approach to his work. He takes time to understand and treat the cause rather than the effect of the injury, all the while explaining all of this to the patient. There is literally nothing he does not know. An absolute gem and I fully recommend."
Vicky Burford Teacher and Adventurer

About Paul

Paul qualified as a Physiotherapist in 2005 and has continued to learn and develop his work ever since. His work fits with his passions for health, fitness and adventure.

Paul is regular with running, mountain biking and other training, and plays the piano and guitar. His interest in close-up magic performance has been a big part of his life and his attitude to rehab and fitness comes in part from magic - 'very often more is possible than you initially thought...'