Physio - Biomechanics - Performance Pricing Map and directions



Assessment, diagnosis and treatment with Paul

Physiotherapy can assess a huge variety of physical issues from headaches and jaw pain, to lower back disc problems and ankle injuries. No matter what your pain or restriction, get it seen to because there almost always something that can be done. If imaging or a referral is needed this can also be arranged.

Sessions are not just about diagnosis and treatment. Some of the most important progress comes from things you can do for your yourself: from learning to move in better ways, exercises to help recovery and strengthening, and addressing aspects of your work or exercise. This is all part of the holistic approach taken by Paul, and often people are surprised by just how much can be done to improve things.

Some of the treatment techniques used

Specific rehab exercises / Acupuncture / Soft tissue release / Myofascial release / Muscle energy techniques / Therapeutic ultrasound and electotherapies / Manipulation and joint mobilisations / Nerve mobilisations / Sports massage techniques

What people say

"Paul is without doubt the best physio I have ever met. Two things make him uniquely special - firstly his fulsome and empathetic understanding of people; and secondly his holistic approach to his work. He takes time to understand and treat the cause rather than the effect of the injury, all the while explaining all of this to the patient. There is literally nothing he does not know. An absolute gem and I fully recommend."
Vicky Burford Teacher and Adventurer